Sunday, 24 February 2013

Title Planning

The different types of editing software:
Cinematic 4d:

 Adobe After effects:

Sony Vagas:

Cinematic 4d ;is a very professional but easy way of creating different types of 3d Text and you can also create 4d movement pieces with shapes words by capturing frames and singles movement and putting a large amount of frames together to create a smooth movement and  above i have put the simplest way of creating 3d text .

Adobe after effects ; 
This is were the software get more complicated which is why i have put a few videos links from youtube to give you a chance to try different way of putting the 3d Text either into a video or a photo .
depending on how you want your tittles in your opening scene to the video depends which video you choose to try out and use to get the best look .

Sony vagas;
Is just another software which can give you a great effect in video use but it is a lot harder to use but i have placed a easy clip to follow if you or i decide to use this in editing my tittles in the opening sequence .

Overall i think that Adobe after effects would be the easiest once to use because of the wide range of different tutorials which is on to offer and this software is also the easiest one to get hands on at college or home and will give me a better chance on trying out the software to get better and therefore creating a better professional effect for the views .

This information was found by Tom, it shows the importance and difference between different text types to use for the title sequence. He has researched into three different types of software for us to use on the opening sequence. The different softwares have different: tutorials, operations, and capabilities, which we will have to take into account when producing the title sequence. 
We also had ideas on blending the titles into the scene, so we will have to choose the correct font and size to ensure fluidity. This is because the titles are significant in recognising the genre, and can give an insight (foreshadow events) for viewers.
This information shows us working together in order to keep up-to-date. Sharing ideas and themes shows great time keeping and shows us using our initiative to share information researched. This is all in order to create the best film opening possible.

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