Screenplay Script 1
From the storyboard I could figure out when characters spoke dialogue. According to the short video on script making this is too short (as it states that a page = a minute of filming), therefore changes may have to be made. However I believe this is a good first attempt, and further additions and edits to this script will be made. I found that using the layout from the celtx website defiantly helped me developing it. It gives choices on different styles of scripts and gives good hints and tips to improve your script-making skills.
The script shows: the transitions between scenes, and dialogue, and a brief description of the setting and actions taken place. It portrays that they are three flashbacks which greaters the knowledge upon the audience in the scientist past. This helps appeal and gather interest for the audience as it gives them more knowledge than the interrogator. It also creates an enigma in what, where, and how the scientist got himself into the situation.
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