Monday, 29 April 2013

Final Post

Hi, hope you enjoyed my journey and my first insight into producing a film. There has been many highs, and less lows. I have made this video aswell to show my enthusiasm, and enjoyment in producing the film clips. 
All the way though this project I have tried to stand out and be unique in everything produced. I have learnt lots and had some hilarious moments in filming. 

Here are a few...
My Experience:

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Almost finished

From experimenting with the different filters, it ended up affecting the video quality. Also, we decided that tinting certain parts of the film. 
Today, we have almost finished. We added the dialogue and soundtrack to the film, which we then tinted certain parts of the film. 
We have very little to change, however, these changes could improve my grade.
I have also begun my evaluation questions and looking at past A grade examples in using different types of media.

Saturday, 13 April 2013

A step Closer to to final edit

I have finalised some aspects of editing. I experimented on using some snap shots of the scientist in both the past and future to resemble his power initiating. Need to also add the dialogue. 
All of the other addition can only be done at collage, so it has to be completed next week.

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Further progression of editing

I have attempted using different filters, this is added to the previous edited clip so we can evaluate and decide the best filter(s) to use. This is becuase each filter adds different atmosphere and emotion, thus we have to encode the correct, intense atmosphere to sync with the sound and action in shot. Meaning that the correct filter is vital in enhancing the effect to the intended target audience. Choosing an intense dark filter would be more suitable to connote to the danger, aggression, and suspence in the opening shot. We decided to enhance these emotions to excite and interest an adult male.

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

News Report

This is a news report we made showing the reasons in why we chose certain aspects of the mise en scene, which help our film relate to the brief.